
Write Me!

Sister Rachel Dugan will enter the Mexico MTC on December 3rd 2014

To send a letter to Rachel, use the POUCH. The Church provides pouch mail service to countries where other mail service may not be reliable. To prevent possible fines or discontinuation of pouch service, only postcards and letters that are single sheet may be sent through the pouch.

You can send two kinds of letter through the pouch: either a postcard or a letter on one side of a single sheet of paper. These are the only types of correspondence the pouch mail service will accept. The service does not accept envelopes or packages.
If you are using a piece of paper, the sheet should be folded into three parts, as is commonly done to insert a letter into a business envelope. The top edge of the sheet should be fastened with tape on the top edge only, no closer than one inch to either side. They recommend a single 8 1/2-inch x 11-inch sheet of 20-pound paper (the equivalent of paper used in most copiers).
Write your return address in the top left corner. Apply a stamp to the top right corner of the tri-folded paper or post card, and mail it to Church headquarters at this address:

Sister Rachel Irene Dugan
Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission
PO Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

You can also write to Rachel using It’s fast and FREE and she’ll receive your printed email the following week to both the Mexico MTC AND ECUADOR just make sure to click on the right mission/ mtc in the instructions.

Step 1.          

Step 2. 

And you are done!!!!

No packages are accepted at any MTC other than provo through Dear

 Please See  to send premade care packages to the Mexico MTC
 Letters are welcomed!

        Sister Rachel Irene Dugan  
    Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission  
   Mexico Missionary Training Center
  Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
 Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A Madero  
  07230 Mexico, Distrito Federal Mexico

 To mail packages to Rachel in Ecuador, use the address below. Please use standard mail only (no special requests, i.e. “certified”) to send packages to the mission office. You will need to include the mission office phone number.  Packages should be small or use a large manilla envelope, no more than two pounds. Don’t forget to ask for the right customs form, and be honest about what’s in the package or it might not get to her!

       Sister Rachel Dugan
   Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission
   Casillo 09-06-286
   Guayaquil, Guayas
   Telephone: 593-4-228-9570
Also don't hesitate to email!

I can't wait to hear from you!!

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