
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

October 2016

  Well its all over. I have been home for awhile now. I am working at the mall and missing theatre. I am also getting the ability to speak Spanish a lot and I am grateful for all the friends I have now. I am dating and very happy I might even marry this young man we shall see .I cant believe how long I have been home. I will always miss and love Ecuador and hope to return someday!

 Estoy bien agradacida por la oportunidad yo tiene a irme a Ecuador y predicar el evangelio de Jesucristo! Lo Amo! Siempre voy a recorder esta tiempo de mi vida! Siempre voy a recorder Ecuador y las personas quien cambio my vida para siempre!!

Ecuador Te Quiero!!!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Home sweet home

So I am home

  I came home May 27 2016. It was the hardest thing of my life to leave my beloved Ecuador and come home. It was so hard to leave people who have changed my life! But as I have been home for a few weeks now I can definitely see the benefits of serving a mission in my life. I was given the wonderful opportunity to speak with my mission president and as we spoke I was given the opportunity to see my mission on paper. ALL my sectors, comps and responsibilities. I was senior comp a LOT of my mission and I had no idea. I always assumed I was junior comp and that  I would just be learning my whole mission to be a leader afterwards, but what I learned is that I was a leader through my service and through my submissiveness to my comps. Sure it wasn't easy and every comp came with a challenge but in the end I was successful and came home honorably!

Monday, May 23, 2016

my last post.. .dead man walking

I am going to miss this view

 leaving it allll behind 

 I think its mine

me hermana cardona , risco y butler
 Me Cardona Risgo and Butler... la fin se acerca

Monday, April 25, 2016

my new comp Hna Palamino in Los Esteros...I HAVE 6 WEEKS LEFT! Dev. with elder Montoya

hermana palomino and I in our bed room/ front room

                                         zona de puerto nuevo con el presidente y con Elder Montoya

April goodbyes... the death of Hna Bradley

and I had cambios to GUAYAQUIL!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

CATAMAYO hikes for lunch and 16 months down

breakfast in bed from Hna Martinez contemplating 16 close! 
view from lunch

these stairs are going to kill me

Monday, March 14, 2016

Mosiah 15:15-18

 15 Y, ¡oh cuán hermosos fueron sus pies sobre las montañas!

 16 Y más aún: ¡Cuán hermosos son sobre las montañas los pies de aquellos que aún están publicando la paz!

 17 Y además: ¡Cuán hermosos son sobre las montañas los pies de aquellos que en lo futuro publicarán la paz; sí, desde hoy en adelante y para siempre!

 18 Y he aquí, os digo que esto no es todo. Porque, ¡cuán hermosos son sobre las montañas los pies de aquel que trae buenas nuevas, que es el fundador de la paz, sí, el Señor, que ha redimido a su pueblo; sí, aquel que ha concedido la salvación a su pueblo!

    Hermana Rachel Dugan
 Misión Ecuador Guayquil Sur

Monday, March 7, 2016


view from the edge of catamayo. we literally walked out of town ahhaa
probably my favorite hike right here. I kept making my comps hike...even when the bus was available.
those clouds and mountains...

    Hermana Rachel Dugan
 Misión Ecuador Guayquil Sur